Google Classroom Codes are all lowercase letters / numbers, with no spaces.

Students / Families should go to: and click the “+” sign at the top right to join the class.

Contact teachers for specific meeting passwords


M. Bellamy
code: fftixfa
Zoom link: 867 0163 9845
pw: (Contact Teacher)

M. Bustos
code: vby3d66

G. Lyons
code: 2nl5wan
770 062 7272
pw: (Contact Teacher)

A. Sanchez
code: ciiqsf4
Reading Intervention Only

M. Sanchez
code: 2z23u2e

J. Gonzalez (Garden)
code: 3ri7ssf

A. Cruz (Art)
code: vmxzfww

H. Douglas (SEL/SW)
code: y2kasbw

A. Sanchez (EL)
tcode: c2rujp
English Learners (EL) Class Only

Special Education 
code: cui3buo


M. Rogahn, Online Learning & Family Engagement
code: 74uyics

Dorn Good Readers Club
code: 7edxst6